Scientific research that you have conducted can be presented as Free Papers. If the paper is selected, then you will get an opportunity to make a podium presentation of your work at WIROC 2024.

The reviewers of the Free Papers score the papers based on various criteria. If your paper is amongst the 6 best papers scored by the reviewers, your paper will be automatically selected for competing in the Masalawala Best Paper session. Once selected for Masalawala Best Paper Session, you are required to submit full paper along with master chart within one week. Not submitting Full Paper & Master chart within stipulated time will result in disqualification of the paper from Masalawala Best Paper Session.


    The deadline for submission of abstracts is September 30th.

    Submit Abstract (400 words) in plain text format.

    The abstract should be structured as title, introduction, materials & methods, results and conclusions. It should include five keywords.

    Indicate which one of the categories the paper may be included:

    Arthroscopy & Sports Medicine (Shoulder / Knee)

    Joint Replacement (Hip / Knee / Shoulder)

    Trauma & Reconstructive Surgery (Upper Limb / Lower Limb / Pelvi Aectabulam)


    Foot & Ankle

    Infections & Metabolic

    Paediatric Ortho




    It is mandatory for the author/s to submit on demand a Master chart of study data to WIROC 2024 Scientific Committee. The master chart should be verified and countersigned by the Head of Department in cases where the work has been done in a teaching institute or when the manuscript is a multicenter study. Failure to produce the Master chart may invite disqualification.

    Full text submission guidelines: The author/s should submit the full text of the abstract within one week of the intimation of acceptance of the manuscript. It has to be a Word document and divided into Introduction, materials and methods, Results, Discussion and conclusion. The full text should be a maximum 4000 words excluding the references and figure legends. The referencing should be standard Vancouver style. A maximum of six figures and 2 tables can be added and should be embedded in the word document. The manuscript should be entirely blinded and there should be no mention of the author names, affiliations, etc.

Click here to submit abstract